Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Moving on a bit early, no regrets

I have decided to head for home early.  I loved my experience overall and I tried my best.
My Resignation Letter:

November 16, 2010


Dear Superiors,


            After extended deliberation, I have decided to resign from my position as an agriculture volunteer in Peace Corps Nicaragua. I will be returning to the United States to prepare myself for the next major step in my career. I am applying for a doctoral program in Public Policy which should begin in August of 2011.

            I do not regret the experience I have had in Nicaragua and I will carry what I have learned with me throughout life. Overall, I feel that I had a beneficial experience and I did what I could for the benefit of my host community. However, my current low workload and plateau in personal growth have led me to believe that staying in Nicaragua is no longer the most responsible choice. In brief, I made the decision to resign because the disadvantages have started to outweigh the utility of my presence in the community. Most days my only tasks involve socializing, while I aspire to be involved in technical assistance and education. I have observed that my services are not in high demand within my village. My community demonstrates a dependency on receiving gifts and I feel that local organizations may be more effective communicators in the local culture. Furthermore, I feel that I cannot continue working completely alone, without a reliable counterpart organization.

            My work reports should be reflective of the tremendous effort I have put forth throughout my first year of service. I stand firmly behind the development ideals of the U.S. Peace Corps, yet I feel that I have exhausted my remaining motivation. I will leave with great respect for the Peace Corps and lots of friendship in my community in Jinotega.




Michele Aquino

AG 50, Jiguina, Jinotega

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